We are ready to assist in the preparation of the company's financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, known in Indonesia as PSAK (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards).
Financial Report Services
A financial report is a record of a company’s financial information within a certain period that can be used to describe the company’s performance situation. It contains the recording of transactions and also the recording of money that occurs in a business. Financial statements can be used by business owners and management to provide information about the company’s financial condition, performance and cash flow, and are used as a basis for decision making.
We are ready to assist in the preparation of the company’s financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, known in Indonesia as PSAK (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards). Currently, most of the Indonesian PSAK regulations have been adjusted and changed to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). As a relevant basis in making tax reports as well as the basis for making strategic management decisions.